Emergency relief seeds program

This project was conceived as an extension of the food aid program that had been implemented successfully in the same regions. Kujenga Maisha East Africa (KUMEA), received funding from Helpā€Hilfe zu...

Famine Relief Phase I

Kujenga Maisha East Africa (KUMEA), received funding through partnering with Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, (Germany) and has distributed Maize and Beans to the people of Kenya Central, Kenya East and Ri...

Turkana drought recovery

Drought is often one of the most devastating but least understood weather phenomena, largely because of its slow onset and its accumulating impacts over time. Although definitions vary depending on th...

Uganda - Water Project Phase II 2018

The people in Bisaju are experiencing challenges with getting water to use. Firstly, the Location of the place. Bisaju is located near Budongo Forest, the only water surface they had was in the forest...

Ikomenie - school water project

The Ikomenie water project was formulated as a result of a successful Sanitation project implemented in two primary schools in Mbeere, Embu County (Mutugu Primary School and Ikomenie Primary school) ...